Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Day 3

Another exciting and busy day. Where is the time going?!

Mrs Jasper and Mrs Gillies had a fabulous time in Mr Vincent's Class. The children were very keen to learn in a different way and kept saying "Yes,yes". Mr Vincent explained that they were really enjoying the lesson. The children usually spend a lot of their time in class copying from the board. So answering questions about a story, having a talking partner and completing human sentences were new learning experience for them.

After school Mrs O'Brien, Mrs Bentley, Mrs Gillies and Mrs Jasper visited the home of the Sierra Leone representive for The Waterloo Partnership. Whilst there many children gathered around and sang songs with them, they also taught the children some nursery rhymes. There were many smiles from both adults and children. How lovely!

After that everyone went to visit a Community Project for the Disabled. The people that work there are inspirational. Mrs O'Brien placed an order for new school bells!

Some more photographs for you to look at.


Anonymous said...

We tried yesterday but were unsuccessful, sorry. We are missing you lots and we are very proud of you. We are showing the blog to our children daily and they are equally proud. The photos are amazing and really bring to life what you are doing. The children were delighted to see the boxes of books. Love to you all and our friends in Sierra Leone, Mrs Houghton and Mrs Goulbourne x x

Anonymous said...

Hi! Your blog is fantastic. It's great to read about and see photos of the brilliant work you are all doing. You look like you are doing an amazing job as well as having a life-changing/enhancing experience. Soooo proud of you!!!Hope your first day at the conference has gone well today...I've know doubt you have all gone down a storm. I can't wait to read your next entry.
Thinking of you all Love Mrs Naisbettxxxx
P.S. Your class have loved reading your blog too Claire xxxx